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Medilase Aesthetics Ltd
Andrea Hall

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Andrea Hall
Advanced Skin Analysis

Andrea also offers the worlds most advanced skin analysis system. The Opatra® DOME Facial Skin Analyser clinically measures the surface and subsurface of the skin using the state-of-the-art digital imagery, using RGB visible light, PL polarised light and UV spectrum imaging technology, combined with artificial intelligence and image analysis.

'Domeinate' your skin

After your thorough analysis and skin imagining you will receive a report and your progress can be charted, so you can see your success inside and out.

The system allow targeted tailoring of your treatment plan to include the best treatments and skincare recommendations to meet your skin goals.

you will also receive a prediction of where your skin will be at in 3-5 years, allowing you to see your ageing trends ahead of time, so you can take proven preventative measures.

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